Monday, March 30, 2015

Number 5  
Better than your average Fruits and Vegetables

We had heard of these local Farmers’ Markets since we were here last October.  Saturday we set out to find one and see what kind of goods are available.

Farmers’ markets, known as feria in Costa Rica, are usually held weekly on either Saturday or Sunday in each neighborhood (barrio). These markets sell fruit and vegetable and other edible products and crafts. Farmers from all over the country bring their produce and sell it at lower prices than the supermarkets. The specific Farmers’ Market we decided to find was The Feria Verde (The Green Farmers’ Market.  It is held in the barrio Aranjuez.

We start out (with our new shopping bag)  early (7:30) because everyone says to get there early and we pretty much do what everyone tells us to do. 

This outdoor market runs from 7 am  to 1:00.  With the address clearly written on a piece of paper we take our local bus into San Jose.  We then get into a cab and give him the name of where we want to go.  One thing I have noticed, cab drivers study the paper very carefully.  This is a well know market that was founded in 2008.  This is one of the original organic and gourmet markets in the country, offering everything from produce to goat cheese to gluten-free pasta and a score of other unique products usually not available in most Costa Rican stores.  Yet, the taxi driver looks at the piece of paper like he never has heard of it before.  We make our way into a small neighborhood, where a garbage truck blocks all traffic, and we wait and wait (patience is a virtue here)

We make it to the top of a road and the drivers uses his 2 fingers to pretend walking.  OK, this must be the place we get out and we need to walk the rest of the way.  Who said we can’t learn Spanish.

The produce is substantially cheaper and fresher than anything we could buy in a grocery store. 

We are a bit overwhelmed not knowing the proper buying protocol.  I squeeze my way to the front of a vegetable booth.  Now we see that customers have plastic baskets, but we have no idea where do they get them.  I stand there looking at everyone trying to figure out what the hell am I doing.  Finally the man behind the counter hands me a basket and I start filling up the basket with the best looking fresh vegetables I have seen.  I handed my basket to the man and he tells me the price.  That is when I realize my Spanish limitations.  I would just keep giving him money until he seemed to have enough and off we would go to the next booth.

We bought all these at the farmer’s market for under $25.  It includes fresh bread, Chocolate almond pound cake (gluten free of course) and homemade cheese (from a Switzerland recipe).  Look at the size of these figs we bought.  They are so sweet.  A great combination with the homemade cheese, yummy.

On the way back to San Jose, we stop in a wonderful small neighborhood park.  We love the parks of Costa Rica they are a great place to just sit, rest and people watch.  We actually got a bonus of some entertainers.

The stir fry vegetables were amazing!

1 comment:

  1. The vegetables and fruits look wonderful. Glad you are getting around. Can't wait for your next posting.
